Saturday, March 12, 2011

What R Spider Bite Piercings


These are the salient features of Hinduism: it has a radical change in the pantheon of mythological Brahmanism, there is a new address mythological experience and a great variety of sects. In addition to the seven local cults were created then in India there has always been, and there is so far, a great freedom of worship. The spirit and matter are distinct because the former is eternal, while the second is changing: as the soul is forced to transmigrate continuously until it is purified, and this can happen in two ways: with a life of asceticism and the contemplative or conforming a strict ethical ideal: the only way to god Vishnu personified perhaps for eternity. From Bhgavadgita know the god Vishnu, Krishna, or the human personification of Vishnu Krishna that you submit, and then revealed at the end of the song included in the Mahabharata: its dual name already, Visnu-Krsna, shows that this deity has a first derived from popular more than Brahmins. But this god always gives us an example of how many divisions there are in Hinduism: many sects of each of the three gods of the triad. Since he had reached a huge number, it provvedette in the eleventh century. with a shuffle, and then the creation of four schools. Thus Vishnu is responsible for the government of souls and matter and establish what will be saved, which will transmigrate, which will be damned. There is another one of the many visnuismo which is represented by those who worship Rama, the great Indian character mentioned in the Ramayana. Rama was the incarnation of the god Vishnu.
prayer, fasting, rituals become decidedly individual existence, the mental and vocal prayer is based on the repetition of these formulas repeated mantra about "rosaries" or sing in form of a litany. The cult tried, which takes place primarily at sunset (samdhyà, the dividing line between day and night), includes more than all'abluione body a series of prayers, including the most famous is the Gayatri, invocation of the god Savitar.

Sivaismo The subdivision is another Hindu: cult is defined as more arisotcratico, as they are more practiced by Brahmins, so that almost defines "religion of the Brahmins and professional men of letters." In this doctrine, the soul and matter are separate from God, like an animal tied by strings (the matter) that prevents him from achieving his master (God). Some man is destined to his spiritual fortune, for others it is the author. Also have a lot of weight in sivaismo ascetic practices. As well known, have particular importance in Hinduism also figures divine feminine in sivaismo we worship the shakti (strength) of Shiva, but was revered as a female figure, conceiving that as the wife of the deity, and later came to worship Siva as the only female figure: for this were born Tantra, canonical texts celebrating the sakti creating it, maintaining it and destroying it. Soon they derived a sense of erotic and sexual, in theory, must be accompanied by the purity of spirit, the suppression of desire, to an absolute detachment from all things material, but in practice the orgiastic deviations were unavoidable.

Today Hindus are the third world religious community after Christians and Muslims, representing about 13% of the population, almost all the Hindus (99%) live in South Asia, particularly India. As a result of emigration, has spread in Asia, has resulted in significant forms of syncretism, with presences in China, while Europe is known more for the spread of movements such as Hare Krishna, meditation, etc. trascendetale.

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