Monday, March 14, 2011

Can Mccormick Nutmeg Seasoning Get You Drunk


I could not help but do not publish this post. They are gourmet chef, cook and eat a lot coomestibile herbs. I love! I am a bunny. Spring is coming and I would venture with seasonal herbs, including risk of being attacked by some animal, dog, etc. .. Around the countryside near my home ... I do the jogging and sport always come home with a rich booty of local herbs. Have much knowledge in herbal medicine.

Dandelion "Dandelion" We all know the layout of photos, but how many know that it is edible and which lends itself to many preparations and uses? Read the following and if curiosity is stimulated, right at the first opportunity to provide for free and abundant harvest. The trick, however, must be to seek pastures away from busy roads, because the plant is so good and rich in vitamins and beneficial, so you can easily enrich toxic substances from the car exhaust. Thus, the dandelion, is the well-known yellow flower meadows, the fruits of which form the head with which the children enjoy ...
perennial herb, 20-30 cm high, has a root "fleshy" giving rise to the leaves in bundles and more flowering stems, leaves glabrous, have a special shape and unmistakable lanceolate-gear (which dandelion), the flowers are numerous, for each plant and have a head golden yellow and the fruit is a small achene equipped with pappus (parachute) that allows its scatter in the wind.
In the fall berries ripen small bright these botanically drupe, purple-black in color, sour taste, gathered in clusters, and very rich in vitamin C.
Buds places not yet hatched in salt or vinegar can be used in place of capers, toasted in the oven and then the root provides a beneficial ground coffee substitute, like chicory or barley, for example.
roots, which are harvested from May to October ( can dry out the sun for winter use) include: tarassicina, tarassina, tarasserolo (which act on the liver and gall bladder), caffeic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, vitamin PP ABCD. The leaves (fresh or dried) contain: phytosterol, tarassina, choline, vitamin C, traces of tannin
The leaves are very rich in vitamins and minerals are harvested in spring, when tender. They have a good aroma and bitter taste both raw, in salads, or cooked like spinach (sauté with garlic and oil or butter).
goes well with grilled meats or fried. Excellent in soup or an omelette. The dandelion risotto is prepared as any rice with vegetables. You can merge
Beet the cutting, borage, the mallow, nettles or other herbs of spring, even mixed together.
For those who suffer from constipation or bowel spots derived from the slow functioning of the liver, dandelion tea, brewed by boiling one tablespoon of root in a cup of water, is an excellent remedy. It is also a good diuretic.
Those who feel tired all can try for a fortnight by the stalks of dandelion: it captures flowering stems, then wash off the flower and slowly chews the stem which is slightly bitter crisp and juicy like a salad. Five to ten stems per day, taken for a fortnight, play a beneficial role purifying, regenerate the body and give new vigor.

Primula Primula officinalis - Primulacee

is common in woods, along the irrigation channels, near streams . I have in my garden!
You use the leaves and flowers.
should not extend beyond the collection to prevent the extinction of species in all areas.
The tender leaves, picked before flowering, can be eaten raw, coarsely chopped in salads, or cooked in soups.
The flowers can be used to make tea or cooked and used for trimming or even caramel.

If you want to have a look at my blog ... you'll find gourmet recipes delicious, full of pictures of my piettanze.

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