Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dizzy And Lightheaded After Sheesha


Spirituality is a lived experience, a set of practices and a consciousness that we align with a sense of holiness All Being.

Typically it includes:

- An experience of love and connection with the world and with others;
- Recognition of the unity of all being last, and, consequently, of the preciousness of the earth and the sanctity of every human being on the planet;
- The belief that the universe is not negative or neutral, but tends to goodness and love;
- A joyful and compassionate attitude towards oneself and others;
- A deep faith that there is enough for everyone and that every human being deserves to share equally in the wealth of the planet and take responsibility for helping shape our future;
- The feeling that the world is full of conscious spiritual energy that transcends the categories and concepts which tends toward freedom, creativity, kindness, connection, love and generosity;
- Knowledge in the deepest part of ourselves that our life has meaning, through our inner center, as a manifestation of ultimate goodness of the universe. This

is spirituality.

Visit the official website: Kika Kahshan


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