Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Long Do People With Anorexia Live


I do not dare to run the Body tantra to an obese person than 120 kg. Soft foam Sorry I have only 57 kg! But I offer no nudity Californian massage, TANTRA NO! Consume 1 liter. oil but my kindness and understanding will not fail!

Morbid obesity is a severe form of obesity, a condition that causes huge problems for the body and possible health risks such as heart attacks, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, stroke. There are treatments and fed special diets for morbid obesity.

complications general health caused by obesity are:

- Depression-induced weight problem that obese people can develop as a result of difficulties in living a normal social life.

- Hypertension or high blood pressure can be very dangerous for obese people.

- Heart disease. The risk of heart disease is higher for obese people. Fatty foods mean that the heart is forced to work twice with the difficulty of pumping blood throughout the body and this condition together with the rise in blood pressure can cause heart failure.

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