Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Does The Furnace Always Have Flames On

How to make an astral journey back to love

Some people speak of 'astral travel or' split body 'as an experience in which something (our body psychic) \u200b\u200bis disconnected from something else (our physical body). In fact, this happens every time I sleep normally, just do not realize it. This means that dreams are 'astral travel', we want to give it any name. So, speaking of 'lucid sleep' means that when we are in the dream dimension, we are conscious in a lesser degree or higher, and therefore possimo move in that dimension to our liking, and go to the physical places we want. People who have special skills in this area or that have studied in depth can do so while awake, in this case, entering the so-called 'trance', they leave the body in a conscious way and go wherever they want with their subtle body.


  1. Go to sleep with the intention of waking after 4 hours, and wake up before dawn.
  2. Once awake, get up, and stiratevi been standing for a few minutes, concentrating on the exercise that you propose to achieve.
  3. Disponetevi back to sleep, go back to Sun beds in a comfortable position, repeated 'I go to sleep while keeping the conscience and give up my body in full awareness'; then let yourself go to sleep.
  4. If you wake up shortly after sleeping (may happen for the fear of the experience), repeat the phrase before, and riaddormentatevi.
  5. temporarily loses the conscious state when they drifted off to sleep, but if you persevere you will find out in terms of body conscious.
  6. You can usually return to the physical body only wish, but it is possible that those who are afraid of not being able to return may have difficulty to 'return'.
  7. in astral travel you can travel great distances, but if the person who wants to bring it believes what it does, can it without problems.


  • During his stay in the subtle body that people will experience the sensory perception has been greatly extended, and that more than the subtle body moves away from the physical body, the more : The visual field becomes polidirezionale, capable of capturing images from all directions simultaneously and anolog happens to other senses.
  • During the journey you will meet the subtle bodies of other people, just like in dreams when we interact with many different beings.
  • If you want to go in a certain place, you have to think that we already have and you are seeing, hearing touching things that make it up, you will find us, just that they're safe.


  • If you are afraid, do not even start, it can be dangerous. Fear attracts the lower astral entities that may haunt us. Who makes these experiences must be prepared to face any of these meetings, because in normal sleep the body does automatically, and when, for example, has a nightmare, it makes us wake up now, but if you leave the body in a lucid, we are ' us' have to take action to protect and if you do not know how to do anything can happen.
  • If you want to use the astral viagggi for malicious or selfish purposes, they do not absolutely, your negativity will attract one of the astral world and will backfire with disastrous results.


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