Saturday, March 12, 2011

Free Salon Blue Print



... if you're going to meditate, meditation will not be ... if you take deliberately an attitude, a place to meditate, then meditation becomes a toy, a plaything of the mind. If you decide to extricate themselves from the confusion and unhappiness of life then it becomes an experience of the imagination - and this is not meditation.
Meditation is the simple experience of something beyond the thought and feeling of every day, nor the vision quest and bliss ... Meditation is not an escape from the world, is not an island and turn in on itself, but rather the understanding of the world and its ways ... To meditate is to turn from this world ...
Meditation is a means to an end ... Meditation is the cessation of thought ... Everything you thought formula has in it the limit of its borders, the thought is always a horizon, the meditative mind has not, one has to stop because the other can be. Meditation opens the door to a vastness beyond any imagination or conjecture. The thought is the center around which there is space idea, and this space can be expanded to more ideas. But this enlargement by stimuli of all sorts is not the vastness in which there is no center. Meditation is the understanding of this center, and then beyond it. The silence and vastness go together. The immensity of silence is the immensity of the mind in which there is no center. The perception of this space and silence does not proceed from thought. The thought perceives only its projection, and the recognition of it is its border ... Meditation is not an isolation, but the action in daily life that requires cooperation, sensitivity and intelligence. Without the foundation of a righteous life meditation becomes an escape and has no value.
Meditation is not to repeat words, to experience visions or cultivate silence. This is a form of self-hypnosis. Meditation is not close in an ideal thought, in the enchantment of pleasure.
The meditative mind is to see, observe, listen without speech, without comment, no opinion - carefully and consistently - the movement of life in every relationship, then comes a silence that is the negation of thought, a silence which the observer is not can recall.

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