Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Does The Furnace Always Have Flames On

How to make an astral journey back to love

Some people speak of 'astral travel or' split body 'as an experience in which something (our body psychic) \u200b\u200bis disconnected from something else (our physical body). In fact, this happens every time I sleep normally, just do not realize it. This means that dreams are 'astral travel', we want to give it any name. So, speaking of 'lucid sleep' means that when we are in the dream dimension, we are conscious in a lesser degree or higher, and therefore possimo move in that dimension to our liking, and go to the physical places we want. People who have special skills in this area or that have studied in depth can do so while awake, in this case, entering the so-called 'trance', they leave the body in a conscious way and go wherever they want with their subtle body.


  1. Go to sleep with the intention of waking after 4 hours, and wake up before dawn.
  2. Once awake, get up, and stiratevi been standing for a few minutes, concentrating on the exercise that you propose to achieve.
  3. Disponetevi back to sleep, go back to Sun beds in a comfortable position, repeated 'I go to sleep while keeping the conscience and give up my body in full awareness'; then let yourself go to sleep.
  4. If you wake up shortly after sleeping (may happen for the fear of the experience), repeat the phrase before, and riaddormentatevi.
  5. temporarily loses the conscious state when they drifted off to sleep, but if you persevere you will find out in terms of body conscious.
  6. You can usually return to the physical body only wish, but it is possible that those who are afraid of not being able to return may have difficulty to 'return'.
  7. in astral travel you can travel great distances, but if the person who wants to bring it believes what it does, can it without problems.


  • During his stay in the subtle body that people will experience the sensory perception has been greatly extended, and that more than the subtle body moves away from the physical body, the more : The visual field becomes polidirezionale, capable of capturing images from all directions simultaneously and anolog happens to other senses.
  • During the journey you will meet the subtle bodies of other people, just like in dreams when we interact with many different beings.
  • If you want to go in a certain place, you have to think that we already have and you are seeing, hearing touching things that make it up, you will find us, just that they're safe.


  • If you are afraid, do not even start, it can be dangerous. Fear attracts the lower astral entities that may haunt us. Who makes these experiences must be prepared to face any of these meetings, because in normal sleep the body does automatically, and when, for example, has a nightmare, it makes us wake up now, but if you leave the body in a lucid, we are ' us' have to take action to protect and if you do not know how to do anything can happen.
  • If you want to use the astral viagggi for malicious or selfish purposes, they do not absolutely, your negativity will attract one of the astral world and will backfire with disastrous results.

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I have my own method to overcome premature ejaculation. All Natural Bio. For other disorders (impotency, etc. ...) there Likno list below.
Hello ... Kika

for impotence or other sexual disorders SIU I recommend the Italian Society of Urology / SUN Urological Society New / - Urological Society Italian Federation FISU /

Visit the official site of Kika Kahshan: http://www

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Portable Wood Carving Bench

Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual disorder among men according to some statistics so that they suffer a man out of three.

face of this disease men have two choices:

or keep the problem or face to get rid of.

Tantra solve it!
Who decided to put a stop ejaculation Early in my site are dedicated to the method uficiale Bio Natural AKRITK "

Monday, March 14, 2011

Can Mccormick Nutmeg Seasoning Get You Drunk


I could not help but do not publish this post. They are gourmet chef, cook and eat a lot coomestibile herbs. I love! I am a bunny. Spring is coming and I would venture with seasonal herbs, including risk of being attacked by some animal, dog, etc. .. Around the countryside near my home ... I do the jogging and sport always come home with a rich booty of local herbs. Have much knowledge in herbal medicine.

Dandelion "Dandelion" We all know the layout of photos, but how many know that it is edible and which lends itself to many preparations and uses? Read the following and if curiosity is stimulated, right at the first opportunity to provide for free and abundant harvest. The trick, however, must be to seek pastures away from busy roads, because the plant is so good and rich in vitamins and beneficial, so you can easily enrich toxic substances from the car exhaust. Thus, the dandelion, is the well-known yellow flower meadows, the fruits of which form the head with which the children enjoy ...
perennial herb, 20-30 cm high, has a root "fleshy" giving rise to the leaves in bundles and more flowering stems, leaves glabrous, have a special shape and unmistakable lanceolate-gear (which dandelion), the flowers are numerous, for each plant and have a head golden yellow and the fruit is a small achene equipped with pappus (parachute) that allows its scatter in the wind.
In the fall berries ripen small bright these botanically drupe, purple-black in color, sour taste, gathered in clusters, and very rich in vitamin C.
Buds places not yet hatched in salt or vinegar can be used in place of capers, toasted in the oven and then the root provides a beneficial ground coffee substitute, like chicory or barley, for example.
roots, which are harvested from May to October ( can dry out the sun for winter use) include: tarassicina, tarassina, tarasserolo (which act on the liver and gall bladder), caffeic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, vitamin PP ABCD. The leaves (fresh or dried) contain: phytosterol, tarassina, choline, vitamin C, traces of tannin
The leaves are very rich in vitamins and minerals are harvested in spring, when tender. They have a good aroma and bitter taste both raw, in salads, or cooked like spinach (sauté with garlic and oil or butter).
goes well with grilled meats or fried. Excellent in soup or an omelette. The dandelion risotto is prepared as any rice with vegetables. You can merge
Beet the cutting, borage, the mallow, nettles or other herbs of spring, even mixed together.
For those who suffer from constipation or bowel spots derived from the slow functioning of the liver, dandelion tea, brewed by boiling one tablespoon of root in a cup of water, is an excellent remedy. It is also a good diuretic.
Those who feel tired all can try for a fortnight by the stalks of dandelion: it captures flowering stems, then wash off the flower and slowly chews the stem which is slightly bitter crisp and juicy like a salad. Five to ten stems per day, taken for a fortnight, play a beneficial role purifying, regenerate the body and give new vigor.

Primula Primula officinalis - Primulacee

is common in woods, along the irrigation channels, near streams . I have in my garden!
You use the leaves and flowers.
should not extend beyond the collection to prevent the extinction of species in all areas.
The tender leaves, picked before flowering, can be eaten raw, coarsely chopped in salads, or cooked in soups.
The flowers can be used to make tea or cooked and used for trimming or even caramel.

If you want to have a look at my blog ... you'll find gourmet recipes delicious, full of pictures of my piettanze.

For a Tantra Massage visit the official website

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Free Salon Blue Print



... if you're going to meditate, meditation will not be ... if you take deliberately an attitude, a place to meditate, then meditation becomes a toy, a plaything of the mind. If you decide to extricate themselves from the confusion and unhappiness of life then it becomes an experience of the imagination - and this is not meditation.
Meditation is the simple experience of something beyond the thought and feeling of every day, nor the vision quest and bliss ... Meditation is not an escape from the world, is not an island and turn in on itself, but rather the understanding of the world and its ways ... To meditate is to turn from this world ...
Meditation is a means to an end ... Meditation is the cessation of thought ... Everything you thought formula has in it the limit of its borders, the thought is always a horizon, the meditative mind has not, one has to stop because the other can be. Meditation opens the door to a vastness beyond any imagination or conjecture. The thought is the center around which there is space idea, and this space can be expanded to more ideas. But this enlargement by stimuli of all sorts is not the vastness in which there is no center. Meditation is the understanding of this center, and then beyond it. The silence and vastness go together. The immensity of silence is the immensity of the mind in which there is no center. The perception of this space and silence does not proceed from thought. The thought perceives only its projection, and the recognition of it is its border ... Meditation is not an isolation, but the action in daily life that requires cooperation, sensitivity and intelligence. Without the foundation of a righteous life meditation becomes an escape and has no value.
Meditation is not to repeat words, to experience visions or cultivate silence. This is a form of self-hypnosis. Meditation is not close in an ideal thought, in the enchantment of pleasure.
The meditative mind is to see, observe, listen without speech, without comment, no opinion - carefully and consistently - the movement of life in every relationship, then comes a silence that is the negation of thought, a silence which the observer is not can recall.

Visit the official website: Kika Kahshan

Floating Raisins Hypothesis


FEAR Fear is located between the defense mechanisms of the individual. Represents a stimulus to trigger reactions that serve to defend it from environmental hazards. If a child was not afraid of the dark, may, if desired, run into some object and get hurt. Like a deer that was not afraid of a lion would not be able to escape and would be removed.
Is this an existential fear, which must be maintained and not cured. Should be distinguished from a clinical fear, which then becomes negative, which, instead of protecting, makes real estate and slaves. It becomes pathological when you turn on without there being a real danger or is expressed with an intensity too disproportionate to the stimulus. You can get up to the fear of fear, when a person is unable to do anything because it is frightened by the very fact of existing. Fear clinic fits in the grand chapter of anxiety disorders and therefore represents one of the points. In terms of disease must be distinguished real diseases, such as illness or panic attacks diverse group of phobias, phobia of open spaces (agoraphobia), in closed spaces (claustrophobia), and so on, until phobias social, forming a group in great expansion in this historical moment, such as school phobia, the phobia of public speaking. These different forms of fear, that your image is not adequate. In this regard, to remember that fear is more common in early adolescence, 11-16 years, is to not like and not like each other, with the consequence of not being accepted by the group and remain alone. Fear is a basic feeling to see two of the most serious in terms of eating disorders, violence and depression. The latter represents a psychological fury, in front of an environment perceived as hostile and therefore scary. Violence is an opposite reaction to the previous year. Instead of running away from the frightening, the axle is to destroy it. If you want to understand the violence, you must first know the fear.

Visit the official website: Kika Kahshan

Dizzy And Lightheaded After Sheesha


Spirituality is a lived experience, a set of practices and a consciousness that we align with a sense of holiness All Being.

Typically it includes:

- An experience of love and connection with the world and with others;
- Recognition of the unity of all being last, and, consequently, of the preciousness of the earth and the sanctity of every human being on the planet;
- The belief that the universe is not negative or neutral, but tends to goodness and love;
- A joyful and compassionate attitude towards oneself and others;
- A deep faith that there is enough for everyone and that every human being deserves to share equally in the wealth of the planet and take responsibility for helping shape our future;
- The feeling that the world is full of conscious spiritual energy that transcends the categories and concepts which tends toward freedom, creativity, kindness, connection, love and generosity;
- Knowledge in the deepest part of ourselves that our life has meaning, through our inner center, as a manifestation of ultimate goodness of the universe. This

is spirituality.

Visit the official website: Kika Kahshan

How To Mess Up Infrared Light


The term Hinduism was created by European scholars to classify the distinction between Brahmanism and Vedism, but for some differentiation between these two religious disciplines and Hinduism is practically impossible, in common language with this word indicates the last stage of the long journey of this religion. With those words, the Europeans wanted to enclose the "result of spiritual development of a people, but a powerful mixture of races, religious and social system of India, native, formed by the gradual acceptance by brahamanesimo original elements of Brahman and not already since the Counter-Buddhist, adheres to the majority of the population of modern India. It covers all the rituals, religious uses, the ideas, traditions and mythologies that have received their punishment, directly or indirectly through the scriptures and the requirements of the Brahmans. 'Again, H. von Stietecon says that "by means Hinduism not a religion but a group of religions, linked together by a common geographical space, with its history and socio-economic and cultural relations developed in it." The common ground that allows this unit is the differences in religion and Vedic Sanskrit, a heritage of beliefs and liturgies its of the Aryans, the people who settled in India in the second millennium BC
The word 'Hindu', with which definscono the followers of that religion derives from the Persian, and was used initially penetrated by the Muslims in the subcontinent to indicate the inhabitants Referring in particular to those who lived in the Indus region, and only later proved to be a religious connotation to denote those who had converted to Islam, while with regard to the Europeans, is the sixteenth century. using this term, which is derived from early "Hinduism."
The oldest form of religion in India is undoubtedly a naturalistic polytheism, which over time is to change enote in, and gain much value the sacrifices, it is also this feature could be said that this cult is "receptive" because it easily incorporates new elements unperturbed: it goes from the soul to the deepest philosophical speculations, and in the same vein is read the passage from Vedism to Brahmanism. Among the major figures, stands the Brahmin, the priest, and most prominent class of caste, which has among its tasks is to educate people and give them the path to supreme health.
In the Rig-Veda is to form what is called pantheism, from the great question of how the universe was created, who has been doing so. you get to the embrace of all creation to act reflected in the microcosm of the macrocosm. This politician was born outside of the priestly caste, but it was soon assimilated. The end of man is therefore to reach the Atman-Brahman (universal soul), and the world bows down full of pain: it is precisely here that we have 6 orthodox schools, and heterodox 10 (the latter through the work of the philosopher in Madhavacarya His is a compendium of all philosophical systems).
Brahmanism, which is included with the Visnuismo Saivism and Hinduism (although Brahmanism Hinduism came first), we can say the only religion in India, that resources over time, and still prevails in that as the Europeans call "Hinduism." In this doctrine you have the concept of a creator deity three times (Trimurti, "three bodies"): Brahma, Vishnu, Siva. The three deities were, however, as most western Brahma, who was in the fullest sense of the divine and pure, then Brahma came to identify with one or other of the two members of the triad, making it a dyad, so that then he had a vision unified with the further unification of the two deities Vishnu who had previously cast: then you get to call Hari-Hara: as you can see, at the end there was a tendency monotheistic.

Visit the official website: Kika Kahshan

What R Spider Bite Piercings


These are the salient features of Hinduism: it has a radical change in the pantheon of mythological Brahmanism, there is a new address mythological experience and a great variety of sects. In addition to the seven local cults were created then in India there has always been, and there is so far, a great freedom of worship. The spirit and matter are distinct because the former is eternal, while the second is changing: as the soul is forced to transmigrate continuously until it is purified, and this can happen in two ways: with a life of asceticism and the contemplative or conforming a strict ethical ideal: the only way to god Vishnu personified perhaps for eternity. From Bhgavadgita know the god Vishnu, Krishna, or the human personification of Vishnu Krishna that you submit, and then revealed at the end of the song included in the Mahabharata: its dual name already, Visnu-Krsna, shows that this deity has a first derived from popular more than Brahmins. But this god always gives us an example of how many divisions there are in Hinduism: many sects of each of the three gods of the triad. Since he had reached a huge number, it provvedette in the eleventh century. with a shuffle, and then the creation of four schools. Thus Vishnu is responsible for the government of souls and matter and establish what will be saved, which will transmigrate, which will be damned. There is another one of the many visnuismo which is represented by those who worship Rama, the great Indian character mentioned in the Ramayana. Rama was the incarnation of the god Vishnu.
prayer, fasting, rituals become decidedly individual existence, the mental and vocal prayer is based on the repetition of these formulas repeated mantra about "rosaries" or sing in form of a litany. The cult tried, which takes place primarily at sunset (samdhyà, the dividing line between day and night), includes more than all'abluione body a series of prayers, including the most famous is the Gayatri, invocation of the god Savitar.

Sivaismo The subdivision is another Hindu: cult is defined as more arisotcratico, as they are more practiced by Brahmins, so that almost defines "religion of the Brahmins and professional men of letters." In this doctrine, the soul and matter are separate from God, like an animal tied by strings (the matter) that prevents him from achieving his master (God). Some man is destined to his spiritual fortune, for others it is the author. Also have a lot of weight in sivaismo ascetic practices. As well known, have particular importance in Hinduism also figures divine feminine in sivaismo we worship the shakti (strength) of Shiva, but was revered as a female figure, conceiving that as the wife of the deity, and later came to worship Siva as the only female figure: for this were born Tantra, canonical texts celebrating the sakti creating it, maintaining it and destroying it. Soon they derived a sense of erotic and sexual, in theory, must be accompanied by the purity of spirit, the suppression of desire, to an absolute detachment from all things material, but in practice the orgiastic deviations were unavoidable.

Today Hindus are the third world religious community after Christians and Muslims, representing about 13% of the population, almost all the Hindus (99%) live in South Asia, particularly India. As a result of emigration, has spread in Asia, has resulted in significant forms of syncretism, with presences in China, while Europe is known more for the spread of movements such as Hare Krishna, meditation, etc. trascendetale.

Visit the official website: Kika Kahshan

Vocab Book Level C Unit 8 Answers


For reasons of hygiene and health, are not willing to do the Ritual Tantra with people with infectious diseases or skin (acne , psoriasis, vitiligo, diseases, skin irritations, etc.), since it provides a prolonged physical contact.
Please also indicate if you have had recent surgery, if you suffer from heart problems, fractures, high blood pressure, diabetes or if you're following some care, taking medicines or antibiotics, or by a particular diet may be needed for particular devices or if you are obese more than 110 kg .. It is very hard to run the Tantra Massage in obese people. I'm 57 kg.! Morbidoni Sorry! Finally: the annoying dandruff affects many people, controllatevi. If you know that we are clear in the jacket or the head is visible as poor grated cheese will not my approach. But not only! How do I caress the head with dirty hair and anointed with the stench of rotting lard Modenese?

Visit the official website: Kika Kahshan

How Long Do People With Anorexia Live


I do not dare to run the Body tantra to an obese person than 120 kg. Soft foam Sorry I have only 57 kg! But I offer no nudity Californian massage, TANTRA NO! Consume 1 liter. oil but my kindness and understanding will not fail!

Morbid obesity is a severe form of obesity, a condition that causes huge problems for the body and possible health risks such as heart attacks, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, stroke. There are treatments and fed special diets for morbid obesity.

complications general health caused by obesity are:

- Depression-induced weight problem that obese people can develop as a result of difficulties in living a normal social life.

- Hypertension or high blood pressure can be very dangerous for obese people.

- Heart disease. The risk of heart disease is higher for obese people. Fatty foods mean that the heart is forced to work twice with the difficulty of pumping blood throughout the body and this condition together with the rise in blood pressure can cause heart failure.

Visit the official website: Kika Kahshan

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Change The Combo On A Redhead Gun Safe

The more successful.

I deleted the old post, because if I put something on paper that crumbles.
The work of the logo ... "there are no tow all the funds," the seriousness of the people ... "do not like esitessi" bank loan "you have no guarantees," the best graphic ... do not talk about it. Thank goodness that in any event the most successful is still there. She cries.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Desert Egal Blueprint


People are very nervous about sex. The problem is this tension and effort to do something. Sex happens. is not something you have to do. So you have to learn from the East's attitude toward sex, the Tantra. Tantra has an attitude of kindness toward a person. there is no need to plan, there is no need to repeat the mental part. There is no need to do anything in particular: just be loving and helpful. Keep playing with your energy and when you love each other, it is not must be great, otherwise pretend and pretend the other. Both pretend to be great lovers ... And you remain dissatisfied with both of them! There is no need to pretend. It 's a very silent prayer. Making love is meditation. E 'sacred, and the most sacred of the sacred. So when you make love, go slow ... with pleasure, savor the taste. Calmly: There's no hurry, there's time enough.

And while you make love, forget the orgasm. Instead, relax, relax with one another. The Western mind thinks constantly at the moment of orgasm, and how to do fast and great, and this and that ... The thinking does not allow energy body of work. Do not allow the body to take its course. The mind continues to interfere ... Relax. If nothing happens it means that there is nothing that needs to happen. If nothing happens then it means that nothing is happening ... and this is wonderful! The orgasm is not something that has to happen every day. Sex should be just being together, dissolve into each other. Then you can continue making love for half an hour to an hour, just relaxing in one another. Then you will be in an area without mind, because there is no need for the mind! Love is the one thing on which there is no need for the mind, and here is where the West is wrong: it brings even the mind!

If you continue to grow in this intimacy, which is no more excitement, I feel great joy. Joy is the completion, fulfillment. The excitement is just the beginning, on a point, is not the end. And those who stop excitement will never know what love is, do not penetrate the mystery of never, never know the joy of love. Feel, excitement, fever of passion, but never know the grace that is love. They will never know how wonderful to be with a person with no excitement, but in silence, without words, without the effort to do something. Just being together, sharing a space, a being, to share with each other without thinking about what to do, what to say, where to go or how to have fun, all these things have passed away. The storm is over and there is silence. And you love but you will not really do, and you will love what happens. Bloom from grace, silence, rhythm, rise from your deepest being, will not be bodily really. There is a type of sex which is spiritual, that has nothing to do with the body. Even if the body takes part, participating, it is not the source. Then sex takes on the colors of Tantra, and only then!

And this fund should not become unconscious, otherwise you lose an opportunity. In this case it's a beautiful sexual act, but it is not a transformation. It 's beautiful, nothing is wrong, but it is not transformation. And if it is unconscious, you move along the same route. You'll want to repeat this experience again and again. The experience is wonderful when that happens, but then it becomes a routine, and every time I do, it always creates more desire, more and more the experience you want, and you move in a vicious circle. You do not grow simply by turning. Turn around is not good because they do not grow. And then the energy is lost. Even if the experience is good, you lose energy because there's so much more to experience. It was enough to turn the corner and would have achieved much more. With the same energy you would have been able to reach the divine. With the same energy can reach the ultimate ecstasy, you and the scatter-time experience. And as this experience will become boring, because everything that happens all the time gets boring. When you lose the novelty, it creates boredom. If you stay awake, you will see: first, the change of energy in the body, according to the fall of the thoughts from the mind and the third, the collapse of the ego from the heart.

Visit the official website: Kika Kahshan

Java 6 22 Installation Failed Interrupted


I) The frustration is the lack of gratification of a desire, or the refusal to meet a public need. It is a psychological state that occurs when an obstacle blocks the achievement of a goal by an organization that is motivated to achieve that end.

II) components essential for understanding the concept of frustration :

a) it can occur only for a body that can guide their conduct by directing it to an end;

b) the conduct must be activated by a motivation more or less specific;

c) there must be an object (stimulus) corresponding to the need-wish-waiting, able to gratify;

d) there is no frustration without the interference of an obstacle which is interposed between the motivation and incentive to impede the acquisition.

III) The causes of frustration.

1) Physical factors : Out of the womb, the individual is constantly confronted with a physical environment that has its own laws, does not always correspond to an immediate meeting the needs of the organism (eg. Hunger, thirst, shelter, protection, cold, heat, humidity ...).

2) Social factors: man lives in a physical environment "humanized", ie social built to suit the needs of man. But social norms that govern this environment does not always favor the existence: many regulations written (and unwritten) binding action, so that impede the satisfaction of desires (eg. A mixed marriage, winning a contest. ..).

3) Personal factors: are divided into biological, psychological and social .

a) Those relate to the biological organism (a source of frustration is a particular physical condition: small in stature, red hair, myopia ...). Obviously, the physical situation itself is not due to a mismatch, but becomes so if it is experienced or is given the subject so frustrating.

b) psychological factors relate to personality (eg. Live in an environment focused on operational efficiency can be frustrating for those who have a personal desire to emotional involvement, human contact and understanding).

c) Social factors affecting the company (eg. Membership in a certain context or social class may lead to frustration). It should be noted, however, that the same experience of no gratification can be perceived by a person as unpleasant or humiliating, while another can be challenging. Often the inability to satisfy a desire is immediately useful stimulate research into new solutions.

IV) reactions to frustration.

1) Persistence obstacle: the greater the incentive-motivation, the greater the tendency to persist in achieving the gratification that is prevented by the persistence of the obstacle.

2) aggressive reactions : Failure to reward extended periods of time may trigger the aggressive response. The energy is detached from the object that obstructs or is reinvested (more aggressively) to another object. The aggressive response is proportional to the frustration. Sometimes, for effect of accumulation, you may experience a strong reaction to the aggressive end of a long series of minor frustrations, none of which, individually lived, would have triggered the crisis.

· The aggressive response can be hetero (facing out) or self-directed (pointing to himself). Responds to the following logic: "If something went wrong, there will be a fault, the blame lies with someone, that someone must be punished." Depending on whether the "someone" is the subject or another, the reaction is aggressive or intrapunitiva extrapunitiva.

· From the aggressive response to stress also redirected: eg. a frustrated person may feel justified in his resentment towards another person (who believes to have behaved in an offensive way) without realizing (because the process is unconscious) that his resentment is due to the fact that the person he replaces actually a third, which was actually offensive against him and to which he could not react.

3) Stimulating intelligence: frustration triggers the behavior, which can be used for learning, provided it is not too intense or too prolonged (eg. In the questions the questions that are too "quiet" or too "disturbing" prof. have a lower yield response).

4) Reaction cooperative frustration can enable collaboration between those who suffer (eg. When there is the threat of a common enemy to forget old wrongs.)

5) Anxiety, Anxiety and Apathy: in all those cases where the extent of the frustration suffered is so high as to exceed the limits tolerated by the subject. Anxiety is a state of agitation, stress, fear, anxiety is uncontrollable agitation, an inability to react, is characterized by apathy, indifference, detachment-total lack of motivation, typical of those subjects tested by serious emotional trauma (imprisonment, earthquakes, torture, grief, betrayal ...) or pathological subjects. Apathy is the ultimate protection of the self from unbearable anguish otherwise.

V) defense mechanisms. Anxiety, fear and apathy are more or less conscious reaction of the subject. But there are also unconscious defense mechanisms and details belonging to any individual, which are practically expression of the need to pretend or hide a condition of life better than it actually is. Of course, if the person is related to reality only by using these mechanisms, then they should be regarded as symptoms of neurosis.

1. Sublimation : is a transformation of the instinctive forces-instinctual-sexual so impulsive and immediate, but socially permitted and approved (work, art, sport ...).

2. Idealization : eg. take only a science, without emotional involvement, a course in sex education.

3. Streamlining : eg. the fox in Aesop's fable justify its failure by saying that the grapes are sour.

4. Escape : eg. dream of becoming an Einstein despite the rejection.

5. Compensation: eg. care dedicated to a dog sometimes compensate for a lack of maternity or impossible.

6. Training reactive: eg. an attitude of uncompromising moral rigor of a mother towards her daughter can express a tendency towards freedom of costumes unacknowledged.

7. Translation: eg. attack an animal or object when you can not attack the opponent.

8. Isolation : eg. talk about the death of a close relative without feeling any emotion (an isolate fact from emotion).

9. Projection: eg. a person who is keen to show their sincerity can think that the others are all liars.

10. Cancellation : eg. Who controls the closing times of the gas valve before leaving (the second cancels the first act).

11. Removing : eg. nocturnal assault may involve not only the removal (the unconscious) of the figure of the aggressor, but also the name of the street where the said event occurred.

12. Regression : eg. reappear in the event of illness attitudes in children.

13. Fixing : eg. also repeat a behavior to changing circumstances.

14. Introjection : eg. when watching a film you identify with the character or the situation as if it were real.

Visit the official website: Kika Kahshan

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pinnacle Tvcenter Pro No Sound

Shiva and Shakti - The two cosmic

Shiva and Shakti - The two cosmic

The Shiva Purana says that 'the entire universe was created by Shiva and Shakti. " They symbolize two opposite poles, two absolutes and eternal: the male and female, who give life through their union to the whole event.
The Hindu pantheon is peopled with gods, and almost all have a counterpart, since it believes that every higher principle can only exist through a combination of masculine and feminine. Therefore, any male deity is conceived as inseparable from an Energy contrary female or Shakti.

"Shiva is the pure existence, the immortal Divine Principle. Shiva is pure consciousness, unconditional and transcendent. Shiva is the deity of the mind, the Lord of Yoga, the Master of the three worlds and the victor over death." (Shiva Purana)
SHIVA is the principle of centrifugal force by which all life, every form, every cosmic system dissolves in the infinite immensity of the divine. Everything has its origin in Him He is the force of expansion of the world, is the source energy of existence, the principle of life, but also the principle of dissolution and transformation.

The transcendental force of Shiva is a door that leads beyond the earthly things, ranging from mundane to the metaphysical and gives birth to understanding the true nature of existence. It 's the penetrating power of pure consciousness is not separate and is ecstatic about the transcendent quality of evolution. Heaven and earth are in SHIVA their synthesis, for he is also in the world, nature, animals, the same thirst for life of every living being.

SHIVA means "Benign" and from this point of view is the beneficial aspect of divinity, while the appearance terrible is represented by Rudra or "Flaming", the one that makes the tears flow.
dualism positive / negative features always the figure of Shiva. They are provided seemingly contradictory but in fact relate to other aspects in which we see the deity. In fact, his hypostasis are numerous (1008) and each has some specific characteristics that are peculiar to it.

Since everything vibrates, everything has a rhythm, Lord Shiva is also the rhythm and dance, and as such gives rise to the world of forms. Her most important artistic representation is precisely known and Nataraja, Shiva is the Lord of Dance. The dance, which is considered a kind of magic, since it allows to release the supernatural forces of the dancer, Shiva is in a true creative act.

As mentioned above, Shiva can not be conceived without its female half, the Shakti. He can become active only when the energy of Shakti gives him strength. Without Shakti, Shiva becomes Shave, which is a lifeless body.

In Hinduism, Shakti is promoted to the rank of Divine Mother, which feeds both the Universe and all its creatures as the many manifestations of the gods. In this emerges a kind of rediscovery of the religious mystery of the woman, because every woman is an incarnation of Shakti. It symbolizes the irreducibility of the sacred and the divine, the elusive essence of ultimate reality. The woman at the same time embodies the mystery of creation and the mystery of Being, all that is and becomes, who dies and is reborn in an incomprehensible way.

SHAKTI: from the root shak means being able to do, have the strength to do, to act, essentially it means power. It is the universal principle of energy, power and creativity. Shakti is inseparable from him who possesses it - Shaktiman, male principle, or Universal Father. The universe is the product of this pair of opposites: a static (Shaktiman), the other dynamic (Shakti). The exterior of everything is the creative aspect of dynamic force, and within each dynamic creature is the static force, which is the core of phenomenal existence.

Shiva and Shakti are the contrast of the constituent principles of the universe, the first is the spirit, the cosmic man (Purusha), the second is the energy of the world (Prakriti). The entire event is the product of the energy that comes from the power of their union that produces blessedness, that is the product of the joy and pleasure.

The union of Shiva and Shakti symbolizes the urge to bring together "being", the knowledge and power, energy, appearance, and the transcendent immanent aspect. Shiva and his being, immutability, the nature of atma or conscious principle, it is to SHAKTI other hand, movement, change, it is the source of each production, generation and life-giver.

SHAKTI is what there is to be a power not yet implemented in the form of SHIVA, SHIVA is hand in it that there is unified and transmuted to reunited with himself, transparent and bright. In particular, the first is all that matter, body and mind, according to the conscious principle, and both occur in Tantrism therefore only two ways to appear as a single principle, a single reality. Their supreme synthesis is comparable to a fire that has consumed all matter and is now only if itself, as pure energy or pure act.

It is said that to hold the universe and all its creatures, SHIVA, as absolute neutral, it is divided into two complementary parts. The union of the God and Goddess forms every living thing. Mystical union of the couple carry the whole universe in its aspects of both static and stable, and dynamic, whether of the assets and conscious, and in those intangible and unconscious. Elements active / passive, masculine / feminine, which appear only in their opposition, are actually one. Hindu iconography that thought is represented by an androgynous figure, half male and half female, which briefly encapsulates all aspects and the characteristics of the two polarities: Ardhanarishvara.

During Tantric sexual rituals that recreate the two lovers reunited by the mystical union, they become two gods themselves through a process of transfiguration with each other, creating the perfect inside androgynous state.
The man and woman embody in the act of love with consecration, continence and transfiguration, the two divine principles, Shiva and Shakti, which merge in a cosmic embrace smell the infinite bliss.

The human couple becomes a couple Divine, Cosmic, and transformed a physical act in a sacred moment in which we produce inner experiences of the sublime, elevated, ecstatic that result in states of higher consciousness and allow the creation of the Absolute.

The transformation of course should not remain confined to the fusion of love. At any time, two beings who love each other must transform themselves and each other as Shiva or Shakti. Man must recognize the woman the embodiment of shakti, the manifestation of the primordial energy of creation, and worship as a goddess, as she must recognize that man is the incarnation of Shiva, the manifestation of divine consciousness and express the endless love and devotion to him.

Every woman, identifying herself with them assimilate SHAKTI, specific attributes. It will start to manifest an energy splendid, irresistible she expresses through her passion, but also a deep beauty, delicacy, grace and inner harmony. Demonstrate wisdom, compassion and calm, but also strength, power and an iron will.

authentic spell the Shakti of the intoxicating sweetness of his divine SHIVA, is capable of transmitting a profound happiness and transform lives in a wonderful bliss. With his power charmer heavenly existence becomes a work that reveals the secrets of mystical ecstasy and see which is the rhythm of the harmonies of the power of creation.

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