What '
Bioenergetics Bioenergetics and' a technique that studies the psycho personality 'from the human point of view of the processes energetici.Essa aims to achieve a healthy integration of body and mind so that the individual is not obliged to implement defensive processes that limit its possibilities' expressive and emotional and can find the energy to discover the pleasure and joy of living.
bioenergetic massage differs from other types of massage primarily because 'uses the contact and moves in sync with breathing. It leads to enlarge the breathing pattern, using part of the chest, and pelvic diaframmale, making it wider, spontaneous and free. In addition, it comprises the known benefits of massage such as: What did
ultimately the bio-energetic massage that sets it apart from all others? It represents the sum of many other techniques, in the sense that knows and chooses the sublime and the uses for each Characterology is a massage appropriate to its specific needs. In this sense, recover, depending on the person's needs, other types of massages, from California all'antistress. We could then call it a massage misura.Il bioenergetic massage helps the body process of integration and provides security. It allows the person to acquire what is, in this language Grounding is defined, ie to be aware of their physical reality and the awareness of the relationship with your body and the environment. So the character can 'become part of the person and become more flexible and adaptable, capable of finding answers to their existential needs.
The Grounding:
The exercises are aimed at different parts of the body (legs, feet, pelvis, head, neck, face, arms, hands ...), with the aim of:
- increase the vibration condition of the body,
- make a person more "rooted" in their legs and body,
- deepen breathing,
- increasing people's awareness and sense of integration,
- expand self-expression.
acquire great importance, during the body work, the use of breathing and voice as a means of expressing oneself and one's need.
can participate in the class all those who need and / or want to increase the sense of vitality and wellness of the body.
There are no limits concerning age, the only essential element is the availability of a person to live the experience of staying in touch with your body.
Visit the official website: Kika Kahshan-
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