am being called by some people with experience of the massage "tantra" really wondering if I offer the true Body Tantra (it understandable, the Internet is any kind of scam, posing as young girls tantric massage and actually make the whore-escort (with all my respect for teachers) courses in massage tantric fake and charlatan sellers of pills to increase the penis, everything lies! You were born so and so die with the same size of pea).
if you advertise that my services are Tantric is because they are capable and competent.
I do not write on this site or advertise that I offer a massage and then when I ask in place money as a sexual performance! Each custom operating in its own way, there is no school to become a true Tantric massage.
A worker can make hundreds of massage courses such as: Ayurveda, natural bio-energy, shiatsu, California, etc. ... but if no one touch of sweetness and skill with his hands and sensuality can never become a masseuse tantric sure that a course in basic massage is a must and followed by other courses at will as above written. Tantric massage can include parts with stimulation of erogenous zones with the arrival estasiatico state, in a nutshell The intense orgasms.
So dear sirs who have had experience with Tantra massage somewhere in the world will not wait for all worker engaged in the same way. I can only ensure that all works of Tantra massage stimulating all the erogenous zones conclude with the arrival state estasiatico. I know 'cause in some countries have had experience with tantra massage as a customer. E 'is also difficult to define the tantric massage. Since there are no real rules, each worker can do something different.
Visit the official website: Kika Kahshan- http://www.elitemassaggi.com
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