Thursday, July 15, 2010

Craziest Manejaculating

"I was a stranger and you welcomed me"

just yesterday I finished reading the book by Enzo Bianchi For shared ethics ", a small volume that would, for me, enter the required reading for anyone facing life policy, whether Catholic or not.
Bianchi is one of those people that make me feel proud to finally be Christian sentiment that is often lost in the midst of all this mud even in the church.
quote here a passage that I particularly enjoyed, and recommend to all our dear friends from the green handkerchief, and politicians of low-alloy (pun which, among other things!), Identifying an issue with being a Christian purely external and, as usual, as a "distinctive sign" to be protected for what it represents, not for what it truly is.

"the persistence of this wealth of ideas and ideals that have been able to translate into concrete actions and daily life, the strength of these" roots "that have fueled thriving plants capable of giving fruits seem to me screeching tragically with feelings, thoughts , administrative or present a legislative framework that clearly at odds with Christian identity proclaimed verbally. Day after day we witness an increasing criminalization of the different, the stranger, the poor and the weak fingerprints taken by an ethnic minority children, special classes that hinder that integration that say they want to promote, filing of those who live without homeless, the beggars away from the places where their views would upset those who do not even worthy of a look, not necessarily private patrols unarmed, introduction of the crime of "presence" in Italy, called into question the universality of free and first-aid treatment ... [...]
and hatred, this ominous feeling that is crouching in the human heart and who once took on overtones of class focusing against the rich, the powerful, the oppressors, is now facing those who are simply "other" and that you want to see beside us. [...]
What values \u200b\u200bare today in real experiences in planning and policy that can be attributed to the "Christian roots" of which we believe we can rightly boast? [...] And
'myopic vision of those who believe to solve the problems by giving the name of crime, falsante the option that turns the other into a criminal, is distorted and counterproductive identification of immigrants with the invader, the disturber of the peace with the poor, the marginalized with the subversive.
No, we need a surge of human dignity even before the Christian era, we urgently need to find in us and around us respect for the dignity of every human being, we have a vital need to discover how the need is a stimulus and not a hindrance to a more just society. If we continue to confuse security with the exclusion of all diversity, if we continue to have our fears rather than deal with them, if we believe we can get out of trouble together, but not against others, especially the most vulnerable, we prepare for a grim future of barbarism, we start in a blind alley in which man will always be more wolf to man. "

These thoughts are not revolutionary nor subversive, and should be on mouth of not one, but of all those who profess to be Christians (not to say that every man who professes that ..)

I'm tired of being told that a Christian can be the Northern League, the League because it defends religion.


What the league is the defending side "low" of religion and superstition, idolatry and symbols from the fact that, among other things, until recently, our dear friends loved to be replaced with pagan rituals such as "baptism in the Po" (great way to safeguard the religion ..)

If there's one thing I like is that the Gospel has no possibility of double interpretation, does not grant or free vagheggi nuances. What is given to the Christian message is a radical, difficult to follow but impossible to misunderstand.
Words such as "turn the other cheek", "Love your enemy", "welcoming the stranger" is not susceptible to double interpretations, are imperatives that leave no margin for error.

That makes me so angry to see the League become champions of religion: peche are like those in the temple that Jesus drove the merchants to kick and scream, because they sell a "facade of Christianity" made of empty symbols, not just does not follow, but goes completely against the message of total love of the Gospel.
A religion based on ignorance and sull'idolatria, just as fundamentalist quell'Islam and biased against you throw every day.

A true Christian should not be concerned to see a crucifix in every room they enter, but rather look for Jesus in every person presents itself in front, especially those who are different from him.

And that the League does not. It 's so hard to reach this conclusion?

For many "Christians" think so, unfortunately.


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