Mail received by the Diocese of Brescia .. Carmine
I received this mail from the Social Pastoral of the Diocese of Brescia .. I would say that the position is strong, but as always, the media and newspapers "forget" to give some news .. I beseech you, therefore, to read and to read !!!!!!
Yesterday, the Senate approved the so-called security package (Dd.L. 733), among others, an amendment by Senator Gianpiero D'Alia (UDC) which is established by Article 50-bis: / repression of activity of apology or inciting others to commit a crime carried out via the Internet, the text will arrive next week in the House making the article no. 60.Il Senator Gianpiero D'Alia (UDC) is not part of the majority to the Government and this speaks volumes about the versatility of the design freedom-of "Caste." In practice, under this amendment if any citizen then call through a blog disobey (or criticize?) a law that it deems unfair, i / providers / blog.Questo will block the measure may obscure a site anywhere, even if abroad, the Minister of the Interior, after notice of the court, may in fact have a decree with the interruption of the activities of bloggers, ordering providers of connectivity to the Internet to use the appropriate filtering tools required for this fine.L 'activities of filtering should be set within 24 hours, the violation of provider that is subject to a fine of between € 50,000 and € 250.000.Per bloggers instead be imprisonment from 1 to 5 years for incitement to commit a crime and the apology of crime as well as a further penalty from 6 months to 5 years perl'istigazione disobedience of the laws of public order or hatred between the classes sociali.Con this law would be immediately cleaned up the search engines from all link inconvenient for chastity! In practice, the power is being equipped with the weapons to stop in Italy, Facebook and Youtube * all * blog that currently represent the only information not in Italy conditioning and / or recall the censurata.Vi Ours is the only country in the world where a / media company / YouTube sued asking for damages of € 500 million risarcimento.Il name of this / media company /, incidentally, is Mediaset.Quindi the government intervenes for the umpteenth time in a matter which, quite incidentally, an undertaking involving the prime minister and justice in a conflict of interest. Cassinelli After the bill and the establishment of a committee against piracy and digital media that there are less than 60 days must submit to Parliament a bill on this subject, this amendment to the "security package" in fact it makes explicit the design of government / normalize / internet with more repression and all the ystem of reports and information as capillaries that are not can dominare.Tra short we should not be surprised if the informers will be rewarded with shopping vouchers! While in the U.S. Obama won the election thanks to the Internet in Italy is inspired by the government as respect freedom of the press to China and Birmania.Oggi the only media that have been bouncing this news blog Beppe Grillo and the magazine Punto Informatico.Fate forward this message as much as possible to try to awaken sleeping consciences of Italians
because where there is free information and right to criticize the concept of democracy becomes a dialectical problem.
I enclose, for information, the article mentioned in the letter 50/bis:
50.0.100 (text 3)
After Article 50 insert the following:
'Art 50-bis.
(Repression activity of apology or instigation of criminal associations or activities illecitecompiuta through internet)
1. In proceedings for crimes of incitement to crime or to disobey the law, or for crimes advocates crime, under the Criminal Code or other penal provisions, and there are concrete evidence to believe that some of the tasks that business of condoning or inciting in electronically on the Internet, the Minister of the Interior, after notice of the court, may have a decree with the interruption of the activities identified, ordering connectivity providers to the Internet to use the appropriate filtering tools necessary for that purpose.
2. The Minister shall use the surveys leading to the adoption of the decree referred to in paragraph 1, of the police and postal communications. Against the decision to stop may be challenged in the courts. The measure referred to in paragraph 1 shall be revoked at any time when they are not the conditions specified in that paragraph.
3. Within 60 days of publication of this law, the Minister of Economic Development, by decree, in agreement with the Minister of the Interior and with the public administration and innovation, identifies and defines, for the purposes of this Article, technical requirements for the filtering tools provided for in paragraph 1, with all the technological solutions.
4. Service providers of connectivity to the Internet, to the effect of the decree referred to in paragraph 1, must take steps to perform the filtering tasks set within 24 hours. Violation of this obligation results in a fine of between € 50,000 and € 250,000, which is imposed, the Ministry of Economic Development.
5. In the fourth paragraph of Article 266 of the Criminal Code, the number 1) is replaced "by means of print, electronically on the Internet, or other means of propaganda".. "
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