who attended the premises hagfishes between 1947 and 1968 recalled without difficulty that the dominant theme in the debates that took place there was the restoration of civil and spiritual unity of the Italians.
The fierce division of minds that even today casts a shadow on the poisonous political life of our country, it was viewed, in fact, the worst of evils that poison the body of a nation.
Historians who write the contemporary right, such as Giuseppe Parlato, Antonio Carioti and Adalberto Baldoni, Having studied and reconstructed the story of the MSI in the postwar period without being blinded by hatred anti-Italian, admit that, nell'appassionata search of the path to national reconciliation, and only in that the MSI was the heir of the policy by the fascist regime.
Benito Mussolini had pacified Italy constructing a solid hinge, made of culture and image, between the great memories of the past and Italy from tortured modern division of spirits, a consequence of secularism professed by the protagonists of the Risorgimento.
not an apologist for fascism, but the most authoritative witness and the most impartial judge of Italian life at that time, Pius XII, encyclical "Summi Pontificatus" published October 20, 1939, could say without fear of contradiction, that "the mercy of the beloved Italy providential work of the Lateran Pacts" occupied a place of honor among the states with which the Holy See was friendly relations u: "From Patti had those happy start, like the dawn of peace and fraternal union of souls before the sacred altars and in the consortium civil the peace of Christ restored to Italy. "
who attended the premises hagfishes between 1947 and 1968 recalled without difficulty that the dominant theme in the debates that took place there was the restoration of civil and spiritual unity of the Italians.
The fierce division of minds that even today casts a shadow on the poisonous political life of our country, it was viewed, in fact, the worst of evils that poison the body of a nation.
Historians who write the contemporary right, such as Giuseppe Parlato, Antonio Carioti and Adalberto Baldoni, Having studied and reconstructed the story of the MSI in the postwar period without being blinded by hatred anti-Italian, admit that, nell'appassionata search of the path to national reconciliation, and only in that the MSI was the heir of the policy by the fascist regime.
Benito Mussolini had pacified Italy constructing a solid hinge, made of culture and image, between the great memories of the past and Italy from tortured modern division of spirits, a consequence of secularism professed by the protagonists of the Risorgimento.
not an apologist for fascism, but the most authoritative witness and the most impartial judge of Italian life at that time, Pius XII, encyclical "Summi Pontificatus" published October 20, 1939, could say without fear of contradiction, that "the mercy of the beloved Italy providential work of the Lateran Pacts" occupied a place of honor among the states with which the Holy See was friendly relations u: "From Patti had those happy start, like the dawn of peace and fraternal union of souls before the sacred altars and in the consortium civil the peace of Christ restored to Italy. "
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