Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Donating Blood Delays Period

Routes of the Catholic right. Presentation


Presenting the book of his friend and master prof.Piero Vassallo is for me a source of honor and pride, both for the deep friendship that binds us, and for the topics covered in this very rich and comprehensive study . Let me start with a sentence of Antonio Rosmini Serbia, the great philosopher "forgotten" by the same Catholic Vassallo which devotes an entire chapter of his book, "The theory of ideologies are those who want to regulate human society, devoid of all real-world conditions and in fact the same. " It 's a very significant sentence that enlightens us on the vision of this philosopher, but also helps us to understand the ideologies were really the element that has gripped the culture but also the politics of the past two centuries. Vassallo remember (p.65) that "after the revolution of 1789 the Catholic response to the mood reversed in the production of revolutionary philosophies unrealistic hours subordinate Cartesian idealism, now limp on the sensationalism of Condillac, now caught in a careless dialogue with the vanguards of Lutheran Germany. (click to continue)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Can Nicotine Cause Insanity

Project ..... on the contrary?

Walking as every day towards the bus stop this morning I came across a few steps from my house, in a performance worthy of a third world country. In street battles, close to schools Calini, an entire stretch of road was completely covered with paper, newspaper, magazines and advertising, all from an overflowing bin for paper, probably not emptied for a long time (unless the weekend, residents do not have data to read mad and desperate of all the existing newspapers, of course).
The problem is not so much the fact itself, which could be labeled as a simple oversight, but the atmosphere of abandonment that you breathe for more than two years at Mount Caramel. Many
little things that add up being really annoying to those who live here and those passing through these roads.
Sidewalks are increasingly dirty, the cars are parked in every available space (and almost never fined), parking for residents are occupied mostly by means of a rag without permission .. I believe that anyone living in this area could not help but notice in recent months, an increasing degradation, in contrast with the results that the "Project Carmine" was able, with difficulty, to obtain.
is the doubt that this situation has been created randomly.
Let me explain:
Carmine is not an easy quarter, and never was in his long and beautiful history. The large number of immigrants, integration and new forms of poverty are all factors that contribute a lot to destabilize an urban area like ours. If such issues are not dealt with seriously and, above all, a project to develop clear, you risk ending up like the infamous Paris suburbs.
The suspicion that I sometimes arises is that this whole situation is creating "ad hoc" to feed the climate of tension and racism that is gaining increasing ground in our city, to justify the measures adopted by our City against immigrants, also regular, and people living on the margins of society.
Living in a climate increasingly exasperated and less controlled as that of Carmine certainly does not invite people to live together peacefully, and could become a dangerous fuse, a situation that our city should absolutely avoid if you do not want to enter a bottomless abyss.
fear that situation in our neighborhood can be used as "justification" of racism and be dominant, because of this, critics continued to cause reactions in people, which can thus be "tamed" by ranting about the safety of our city and the danger of those who are "different." The
Carmine has not become safer thanks to this Government, indeed. They made a huge step backward both in the security (the shop is strongly again in our streets, just wandering along Via San Faustino after 20:00), in which peaceful coexistence and integration between Brescia and immigrants, made more difficult by the absence of controls and rules.

If this is the idea of \u200b\u200b"city living" of our Mayor and (most definitely present) Deputy Mayor, one might wonder what kind of living these people have lived until now!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Language Pack Win Mob

In tribute, a crucifix

"[1] Take heed your good works before men to be seen of them, otherwise you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
[2] When So you give alms, sound no trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and streets to be praised by men. Verily I say unto you, they have received their reward. [3] But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth, [4] so that your alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret will reward you.
[5] When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites who love to pray standing in synagogues and at street corners to be seen by men. Verily I say unto you, they have received their reward. [6] But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to the Father Your in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. "
(Mt 6, 1-6)

In recent months, I often think of this passage from the Gospel of Matthew.
As a Catholic I am very annoyed by the use that every day is because of religion, especially in the political circles and in so-called "power".
A religion increasingly facade, used to show off as perfect Christians and continue the crusades in the name of a god, do not think I need to say, is all 'other than the God in whom I trust.
fervent Catholics now swarm in our television and in newspapers, blindly defending the values \u200b\u200bthey do not know blank firing decisions without leaving a chance to reply.
Religion has become, for many, a medal to be presented in a cool, shiny stelletta that allows access to the rooms of the highest buildings. Crosses
data free as election advertising like ornaments to wear distinctive symbols that identify and give power over the "different" on anyone who does not think the same way.

consider it blasphemy to use the cross as a symbol of superiority, that same cross on which Jesus died just for having considered all men equal on Earth.

I am disgusted to see people cover themselves with slimy false Christianity, false values, filling his mouth with words empty and hypocritical, to use faith as a range with which to show off in front of others ... it sucks this religion of plastic.

What, then, actually linked to the Catholic world who think of nothing except earning power, exploiting the pain and poverty for others to show off themselves, using their Christianity a pass as eager to stretch their tentacles as a small (not too) "mafia of the cross"?
E 'useless to pray aloud in the street, then in silence if you make only their own interests .. consider the lust for power, the total abortion of the message of Christ.

do not consider myself a perfect Christian, nor I guess I never will be, but I can not stand these "believers higher" rise to the role of the banner of Catholicism. I consider them
ugali these hypocrites standing in the synagogues that use prayer to make a good impression of oneself, which are just begging to get in light and power to win support among the people.

Why Catholics must see themselves represented, despite themselves, by such people? Why do you continue to accept this debasement of religion, this rape of what you believe?

Persons who make faith a way to take power, I'd like to say one sentence in the face, to know what they would have to be answered:

"If one would be first, be last of all and servant of all "

Is not this the gospel in which they say they believe?

mysteries of the faith .. ..

Monday, May 10, 2010

How To Make Salmon Cakes Without Egg

First aid

And here I am, to inaugurate a new blog ..
not promise to update it regularly, I know all too well!
But I hope through this page to share with you thoughts and reflections on what's happening around me.
I would also like this could become a place of discussion "virtual", in which everyone can make its contribution, to express an opinion, to launch a new idea ..

Why I decided to start this blog?

Saturday are was elected secretary of the Young Democrats of Brescia town .. certainly not an easy task, but with the help of the wonderful people who are part of this group, I intend to carry out the maximum effort possible to GD's voice loud and clear in our city.
I believe the Internet has now become a fundamental tool of politics, a way to reach many people in a moment, to create a "circle of ideas" that would otherwise be impossible.
The purpose of this page will be to keep you updated on the activities of the Young Democrats, and especially on the life of our city, more and more often the protagonist of facts that tarnish the long and democratic political history.
to you, instead, I leave the task of bringing new ideas to launch provocations for future initiatives, to raise issues that we have no treaty ..

If we want young people to grow more and more Democrats, we must work together with all your strength !!!!!

I hope this blog will be useful!!